Latest News
Join Today - NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme
All eligible (including pre-diabetic) patients are most welcome to attend . Pre-diabetic includes patients whose blood sugar has been in the pre-diabetic range within the last year.
You do not need to contact the GP practice. To self-register, just simply follow the link or call 0333 577 3010
To join an online patient information session go to
Dementia Support Clinic
Dementia Support Drop in Morning
Men's Gaming Cove
Gamers Wanted! Men aged between 30 and 50 who would like to connect with fellow gamers in a new social group at Maldon Library. For more information, please see the attached poster. Gaming hosted by the Maldon Community Gaming Initiative.
Appointments at Evenings and Weekends
BoxSmart - On the Ropes
Sleep Well, Work Well
An interactive workshop that helps to raise awareness of the importance of sleeping well, and how this can affect your work and home life. Please see the attached poster for more information.
The Mental Health Toolkit: The Essentials
A half day workshop that takes you through The Mental Health Continuum. For more information, please see the attached poster.
Keeping Calm
BoxSmart - On the Ropes
Tell your GP practice if you've ever served in the UK Armed Forces
Recovery College course list
- This month we have a number of course that are exploring Filmmaking and Photography and their how they can be used to support Mental Health Recovery.
- Our Walking group is beginning to grow and getting out and exploring the Essex countyside
- Carers courses this month include Self Care for Carers and well as Finding your voice as a Carer. Carers may also find the Navigating Services course useful.
- Living Mindfully sessions are running on a Wednesday in Moulsham Mill in Chelmsford